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157 Bleeker Street, NYC.

Just like the need to feed and hydrate have accompanied humans from the start of our existence so has the need for companionship, shelter, clothing an of course sex, all these fall under the category of primary needs. Hence why it is said that he who goes into an industry involving any of the above they have a secure future as there will always be a market for our most basic needs.

Which brings us to an industry as such, the one of selling sex, which is often referred to as "The oldest profession" as it appears in writings as dated as the old testament. Prostitution usually has a preconceived notion that it is always the woman selling her body to men which has created ideals used to slate the female demographic with stigmas which are still evident today. However a lesser known fact is that prostitution in fact, goes both ways and of course so does the moral questioning.

Perhaps one of the most heinous displays of sex trafficking which is responsible for much of the now, outdated stigma accompanying the LGBTQ+ community to this day, takes place in 19th century New York City. At the time any display of homosexual tendencies would have been unheard of, often pursued and in extreme cases prosecuted and subsequently, in a society where the natural tendencies of life are suppressed it plants the seed of a dysfunctional society in very fertile grounds, and evidently what follows immense suppression is the need for release, which in this case come in a violent form.

In the gilded age of New York if you were a gay individual looking for an escape there was twisted eden tucked away in the streets of Manhattan known as "The Slide" at 157 Bleeker street. It has etched its way onto history as the most notorious gay bar however done so off the words of closed-moral minded New Yorkers which are expected to give biased negative depiction it comes with a slice of truth. On a regular night, it featured a concoction of all sexualities, with what is said to be "Orgies beyond description" to the backdrop of an out-of-tune grand piano, and of course this fairytale wouldn't be complete without the "Fairies".

"Fairies" were what the public referred to as the young immigrant boys who would dress up as women and sell themselves for the sexual entertainment of men, as well as grown men dressing up as women which also acts as one of the earliest signs of drag and gender performance. Female prostitutes mingled with the boys and men creating dizzying string of genders all under the influence of cheap booze, sex and ditties which saw the crowd through to the early hours of the morning.

The Bowery boy history is an infected bleeding wound for the community and acts as a violent, sad reminder of what follows suppression. On the flip side, it still acts as a violent, thunderous reminder that you cannot tame human nature because simply put, Life will always find a way.

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