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Five rivers from Vietnam to Sheffield

Often referred to as "The orange coffee shop", Five rivers is a coffee shop located in Sheffield, England and yes, it is indeed very orange. The small shop is tucked away in the hilly streets of the town and pays homage to the country of Vietnam from aromatic cherry blossom teas and freshly prepared dishes to the eastern inspired motifs on the walls, stump fabric recliners on the floors lined with colourful rugs and intricate patterns. Students have designated a large window lit room where access is only allowed after taking your shoes off, as a place to catch up on the weeks university work while having a stretch on the floor with low tables.

So, why so orange? Acting as more than just a colourful aesthetic statement, the usage of the colour actually has an important message to address. Throughout the founders' expeditions exploring Vietnam they learned about a the effects of a chemical weapon known as "Agent Orange" had and to this day continues to affect the population. Used on miles of Forests, its intended use was to clear out forest however the derivative affects it has had on both locals and Americans are evident to this day through genetic mutations which appear years after. Consequently, in the efforts to combat the damage of "Agent Orange" the Kianh foundation was launched which works with the coffee shop in order to raise funds for children with all kinds of learning disabilities, physical limitations and special needs providing a suitable learning and living environment for them. The coffee shop has arranged to cover the costs needed for the care of one of these children every month.

In the spirit of celebrating the beautiful country of Vietnam, if you ever find yourself in Sheffield, ask for the orange coffee shop.

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